(404 on 08/14/2016)
Retrieved: May 4, 2013
note: Part_1.pdf is missing
The Mad Monk on Black Powder
Click on the items below to download them.
Black Powder Manufacture in 9 Parts:
Some of the parts are large at nearly 10 Mb, and may take some time to download.
0.4 Mb
3.5 Mb
3.5 Mb
2.5 Mb
9.6 Mb
3.2 Mb
6.0 Mb
1.5 Mb
0.6 Mb


0.3 Mb
0.2 Mb
0.6 Mb
0.1 Mb
0.8 Mb

Imported Black Powders:

1.4 Mb
0.5 Mb
12.2 Mb
1.4 Mb
11.2 Mb
6.5 Mb
Smokey Substitutes:
2.5 Mb

Black Powder Manufacturing Techniques and how Processing Variations Effects Behavior in Small Arms - William A. Knight, January 2008

The Smokeless Powders of Laflin & Rand and their Fate 100 Years after Assimilation by DuPont - Klaus Neuschaefer, 2007