As usual, these are edited threads I saved for ease of reference. The links to the original threads are at the top of each page; visit the source forums for the complete threads.
SHARPSSHOOTER5090 main thread, Gunco (2007) [the original thread]
SHARPSSHOOTER5090 MG47ES, Gunco (2008)
SHARPSSHOOTER5090 bullpup, Gunco (2008)
Mustang03 .308, Gunco (2008)
cntrailrider build, Gunco (2008)
dvanncvann build, AK Files (2008)
Inabadhood build, Weaponeer (2008) incomplete
doubletapme XT74 5.45mm Gunco (2008) incomplete
MaadiMan MG47, Gunco (2010) incomplete
MP43sniper belt-fed AK entry, Weaponeer (2008)incomplete
MG47BP (beltfeed bullpup), AK Files (2008)