
You didn't know about Iron Sky? Then you probably haven't come across Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning. The movie is in Finnish, but there are subtitles in English.

Star Wreck: In the Pirkining : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

What happens when a bunch of crazed Finns make a science fiction fan movie? When they're prepared to spend years making it, and to shell out for detailed sets, costumes, and state of the art CGI? You get a Finnish-Russian empire created by some accidental time travelers, which conquers the Earth and goes into space a-viking? And after that, it starts getting a bit strange...

Maybe it's something they put into the alcohol in Finland. Energia is to video as the Leningrad Cowboys are to music - so totally WTF?! whacked out they might as well be from an alternate universe. Except the Pirkinning was just a movie, and the Cowboys are real.

"It's reality, Captain, but not as we know it."