Subject: Stolen Valor

March 18, 2014

Quote from: RVM45
On the other hand, The Plains Indians and the Viking - just to name a couple of Outstanding Peoples - took great satisfaction in standing up in public and recounting all their battles - regularly.

Yes, and if anyone in the audience felt they were stretching the story too far, they'd call them out. The result normally involved edged weapons and blood.

They were status-driven cultures. A warrior's status was based on his deeds.

The Indians didn't have writing, and Viking literacy was sparse. With no Bureau of Records writing things down, maintaining memory of your deeds required reminding people who already knew, and filling in those who hadn't heard.

Our modern culture largely equates status with money, so instead of chanting your battles, you just show off your new Corvette or ski boat if you're male, or your designer clothing and jewelry if female.