Retrieved: 12/29/2013


Jury duty works very differently in different jurisdictions. In some places, you're expected to show up and get locked in a room where you're treated like a prisoner, and have to ask permission to go to the bathroom. Other places, you call in once a day and see if they need you. Duration of the "eligibility window" runs from a week to a month.

I don't mind the trial thing. I *do* mind being jerked around like a criminal for up to a month, then sent away, having lost a month's pay and done nothing whatsoever. And drove 63 miles round trip from the 'burbs to downtown, and had to cough up $15/day for parking too.

The way I see it, I get the little card in the mail, I show up, let's get this freakin' show on the road. The "selection" part of the process bites. Take the first random twelve people. Or let the defense pick six and the prosecution pick six. Or set up a PowerBall machine in the waiting room.

Sitting on a jury is my civic duty. But being jerked around in "selection" is just stealing my time.