discussion/194460-house-amendment-blocks-dc-using-funds-enforce-gun- laws.html#post3340824

Thread: House amendment blocks DC from using funds to enforce gun laws
Retrieved: 07/26/2014

July 18th, 2014

The District of Columbia doesn't really have a legal standing. It's not a state, territory, or protectorate, and by tradition, isn't a Federally administered area. Its legal status runs mostly on tradition and precedent. It's a pretty ugly situation that grew slowly over time.

I offer four different solutions to the DC Problem:

1) dissolve the District of Columbia, turn all the land back over to the states that donated it, and let those states handle laws and enforcement in the city. There are a lot of cities that span more than one jurisdiction.

2) hand the District over to the military and run it under martial law. Alternatively, the US Park Service.

3) turn the District into an office park with no residents. The District was never intended to be a city; that's where all of its problems come from to start with. Let people who need to do their business commute in from the Real World.

4) resume above-ground nuclear testing in DC instead of Utah and Nevada. Bonus points for doing it while Congress is in session.