

Apropos of nothing much, I have a box of Remington .45-70s sitting on my desk. The box is, as usual, printed in two languages.

English and French.

There's no Spanish anywhere on it. Best as I can figure, the box was printed in 2009.

Nowadays it seems odd.

"Mise en Garde: Gardez Hors De La Portee Des Enfants!"


So... today I went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for my wife. It had a little tablet on a stand, and wanted you to check the box and sign if you declined to take advice from the pharmacist. Pretty f'n useless thing. Anyway, the prompts were bilingual. I'd been there before and never paid it much attention; half of everything is English/Spanish now...

...except this was English/Esperanto.

I made a comment to the clerk, but she didn't know what Esperanto was, and so wasn't as amused as I was. As far as I can remember, this is the first time I've encountered Esperanto "in the wild."