blocking ads and annoying "content"


Every now and then I follow a link to Its kaleidoscope mess of flashing, dancing gifs and Flash make me seasick after about 1.3 seconds, and then I wonder why I bothered to go there.

I finally got annoyed enough to figure out how to block some of the clutter with my web browser.

In Konqueror, Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> AdBlock, and add these two lines:*.swf*

Then "apply", and a good portion of the annoyance will go away instantly. The animated gifs advertising some of their sponsors have to be dealt with by right clicking and selecting "block images...". You have to deal with the animated "smilies" on gunco the same way. Same with the animated avatars and .sigs some retards think are cute.

Most lesser browsers will also do this, or there are add-ins that can.

[old fart rant]
I understand advertising helps pay for keeping some sites alive. But when they start moving, they're going to die.
[/old fart rant]

Also, those triply-damned "" popup windows ( has one,for some demented reason) can be banished the same way. Add "**" to the same list.


/etc/hosts is already loaded. I've been tweaking it since 1996. However, I don't want to block all of, just those stupid Flash ads and dancing icons.

I'll read up on floppymoose some more. The site doesn't list Konqueror as a supported browser, but I found some forum comments saying it would work.

"adblockplus" is a Mozilla extension and doesn't work with other browsers.