Topic: Help with Sear assembly!

Retrieved: November 06, 2011
Last Post: April 22, 2003

April 22 2003

In troubleshooting a problem with my grip safety on my Series 80 GC, I removed the sear pin and was presented with a whole hand full of small parts. Cannot figure out how to re-assemble. Guess I have most of it figured out from the diagram on Brownell's site, but can not figure out how the small sear lever goes in. (the one that only Gold Cups have). Can anyone direct me as to how this goes together and any tips on getting the sear assembly back in the gun?

April 22 2003

I may can offer some help, but I'm a bit confused by the Gold Cup comment. I'm not aware of any part unique to the Gold Cup as far as fire control goes. Maybe firing pin block (Series 80)? Those parts will sit on one side of the hammer and sear and utilize those pins. - This is what I suspect you are refrering to? I can only post 1 pic at a time so see next post for a schematic drawing

This animation should show you how things work in relation to each other.

April 22 2003

Please see the diagram and see if you can identify the parts in question ( #52 & #31 are the ones I suspect) these can be a bear for the first few times. I recommend using some tweezers or the like to help you align & position those lil' guys in there. The important part is to place part #52 under the #31 so that they pivot in such a way as to activate the firing pin plunger.

Please pardon my Gold Cup ignorance, if I'm way off base, just chime in here & someone will be able to help. I need to do some homework on the gold cup.

April 22 2003

They are just like the Delta Elite. That tiny spring will give you headaches. Have you tried to assemble it outside the frame and place it in the gun held together with tweezers. Or just leave them out - they are not critical to function.

April 22 2003

Thanks Dt. Yes I have seen this diagram, but is not really not specific as to how the GC sear parts go together. Looking for more definition.

April 22 2003

I can't help you directly with it right now, but when I get home this evening I will be happy to dig out my Kuhnhausen book and scan a photo or two if necessary. I know he mentions it somewhere in one of his books.

April 22 2003

OK, here are the pertinent scans. Hope these help!

My guess is that things will be much easier if you make a slave pin (a short pin that only holds the sear, disconnector, and GC lever together while you install the assembly into the frame). Then the slave pin will be pushed out when you insert the sear pin. If you don't have a lathe, you can make a slave pin out of a nail of the correct diameter. It doesn't have to be 100% exact.

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